Saturday, April 21, 2012

What you are and What they think

We perceive ourselves in a different way than other people.

I'm currently enduring the sweltering heat while in bed, encoding this blog entry. I've been waiting for days for rain to shower down and cool everything up, but no. It just made the atmosphere unbearable. Because of it, concrete and other materials that absorbed sunlight during the day are now releasing vast amounts of heat. So much for a cool night's sleep right? Meh.

Google, Y U SO MALICIOUS? I typed in "hot night" and all  I got  are censor-worthy materials!
That aside, let me get to the focal point of this entry. The way we carry ourselves in public is one thing. The impression we think we give is another. The impression we actually give is another. I know a guy who worked his butt off every exam, every project and just about everything. However, whenever he got the results he desired, he was pretty vocal about it, but not to the point of him telling everyone. He was just saying things like: Yes, I nailed it! or Glad I did it!. Being a close friend of his, I knew for a fact that he is a down-to-earth person. He never flaunted his achievements or put himself in a rank higher than anyone. He'd always choose the least comfortable chair in a party.

Sh*t happens for a reason and some people have sh*tty mindsets. What my friend thought were little "expressions of satisfaction" was actually perceived as arrogance by others. When confronted, he broke down in tears and couldn't believe that they saw him like that.

Did I mention that those people who perceived him that way were aspiring honor roll graduates? Oh well. Competition really brings out the worst in everyone, that's why I think it's stultifying. Compete with yourself (not with others) and at the same time, set higher standards (because in that way, you'll become a better than what you were). There will always be people who will try to bring you down. Their mentality is "to win by defeating everybody" not "to win is simply being the best." I know my point is kind of hard to grasp, but please put a little thought into it and you'll understand eventually. =3

Someone once told me that there are three windows in knowing yourself. One is how you see yourself. Two is how others perceive you to be. Last one is things everyone, including you, never knew that you had. But hey, what others think is none of your business. If your conviction is strong and what you do and how you act goes in accordance to morality set by God and the society and if you have no bad intentions whatsoever you don't have to change... they do. =3

You're the problem, not me. The F*ck I care :)

Wait, wait.... did I use the meme correctly? LOL. G'nyt =D

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